Tuesday, February 9, 2010

get into the groove

maybe I should start titling all of my blog posts after songs (similar to Degrassi!). Well I've been to all 4 of my classes 3 times. I dropped my social movements course on thursday last week and still don't feel that adding another course will help my situation at all.

my schedule:
10-11:15 Global Literature
2-3:15 Making of the Modern Arab World (history. yuck)

11:30-12:45 Educational Psychology
2-3:15 Cultural Anthropology

I'm really enjoying having this break midweek. It's more time to do homework and so far I've made it a habit to do a load of laundry on that day (laundry is free here!). Today I went "shopping" at Heliopolis, which is just another part of Cairo. We have buses that go all over the place here. It's supposed to be 20EGP a ride but so far I haven't paid for a bus ride, just a taxi ride back. Buses go to Zamalek (off campus dorms), the big mall City Stars, Reheb (nearby town), Heliopolis, and probably more places that I haven't been yet. So we went there with the intention of getting some groceries and maybe something for me to workout in. My friend found out that there is a huge annual book fair in Heliopolis and was going on now! She got excited and we spent the afternoon finding it and looking at books. Tons of books. I didn't buy any but I really felt like my mother's daughter, or my Nana's granddaughter. All of the books were in Arabic, if they weren't in Arabic, then they were for teaching 5 year olds english. My friends did buy Harry Potter in Arabic, which I think is cool but I honestly don't know the Arabic alphabet, I can't even attempt to sound out the words. It's slightly embarrassing. That's what we did today, it was tiring but somewhat worth it. I didn't really like being a group of 3 female foreigners once the sun went down. But I made it home safely :)

Last night a knock on my door told me that I have a roommate! Her name is Reem. She slept here last night but I have hardly seen her since. She doesn't have a key to the room so she wants me to leave the door cracked open (yes, with valuables inside). However, today she did ask me an unforgettable question: "would you mind switching rooms with my best friend so I can live with her?" YIKES!! I did not expect that. I've been here since January 22nd! You just showed up! Makes for an interesting first impression I suppose. I don't think she'll be getting her ID activated as a key for this room until she's certain about which room she's living in. It's a sad story for the middle of my very good week.

My problem is, I don't want to be taken advantage of. I get ripped off for being a foreigner. For instance, in class two days ago there were quite a few new students who had missed the first two days. One girl sat next to me. I noticed she wasn't taking notes (this was for history/overload of information) but I saw her attempt to take notes on her iphone. For about the last 45 minutes of class, I saw her playing monopoly on her iphone. As class was nearing its end she leaned to me and said, "excuse me, can I photo copy your notes? or can you give me a photo copy of your notes?" OH MY GOODNESS!! No. I will not give you my notes. I'm sure Samantha can really feel for me on this one. I worked hard getting those notes! She was playing monopoly! We will see what happens tomorrow if she asks for my notes again or for a copy, because naturally I did not copy my notes for her. I'm worried this semester will become a series of 'be taken advantage of' OR 'have no egyptian friends' I understand that this blog is a collection of complaints and for that I apologize. I want you to know that I am having fun. Homesickness is a rare occurrence. I do spend too much time on skype and facebook though. Blahhhg.

This weekend I'm going on a trip to Saint Anthony's Monastery and Hurghada. If you would like to know more, you'll have to wait until I come back because I am in the dark for this one. Apparently the weather is perfect and we will have a day relaxing on the beach (of the Red Sea) which sounds better than marvelous. I hope I don't get back too late and miss precious homework time and I hope I make some new friends like I did on the last trip.

I'm happy to be keeping busy this week and weekend but I am even HAPPIER about the McNitts. I'm homesick to think I wont be able to kiss both babies or hug the happy, growing family. But I know those in Colorado will do it for me. Take a lot of pictures and I promise I will take some too. You are all in my thoughts!! All of you!! I love you lots n lots. And not only because it's Valentine's week. That's another factor that makes this week fantastic! But being without loved ones on love day is going to be weird. I must admit. I'm making do with virtual valentine's gifts. Little emails or photos of teddy bears. I hope at least someone I know sees that Valentine's Day movie that I'm *dying* to see. I love that kind of thing. And I'm jealous of Katie! Disneyland! On Valentine's day!!? I'm not sure how many more of my favorite things you can throw in that mix to make it better. Ahhh! I'm wearing pink, red, and purple for the next 5 days! I must do something to celebrate... on my own... where's Ben and Jerry when you need them?? Love you guys.

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