Friday, May 28, 2010


[by Jason Mraz. feat. Colbie Caillat]

I just want to start out by saying I am excited to come home. It will be wonderful to see family and friends and all those familiar things. I am having trouble because I know I'm not ready. There is so much I did not see. There are so many friends I did not say goodbye to. There are so many adventures I missed out on. I'm looking forward to returning home because I don't want anyone at home to be offended that I'm not excited to see them. Ha. Silly, but mostly true. I wish I could stay here longer. I spent this whole semester thinking about school and now that I have no school obligations, life is different. Better. Peaceful and enjoyable (not that it wasn't before but... you know what I mean). Sigh.

The Spring 2010 semester will forever go down in my history as

studied in Cairo, Egypt at the American University in Cairo
started a blog and remained consistent with it
learned more about the "making of the modern Arab World" than I knew possible
went to class when it was 109 degrees outside
didn't attend a Lutheran church, not once
realized that I actually do like chocolate
went aerobics classes three times a week
got more in touch with my Norwegianness
depended more on skype and facebook than anyone ever should
truly felt independent
fell in love with the call to prayer
mastered dividing and multiplying by five
never went to bed before midnight
lived on a resort
learned enough (Egyptian) Arabic to "survive"
had to keep track of the minutes I spent on my phone
didn't make my bed
used taxis and buses more than any other mode of transportation

walked like an Egyptian.

It's time to come home and tell you all the stories I didn't tell you on here. Thanks for reading, and later on, thanks for listening. I love you all a lot, and I miss you too. It will be great to just call you and chat. I miss that. Very soon. This was an amazing semester! I know the appropriate word is blessed (instead of 'lucky') but I'm lucky that everything worked out. I like what's happened to me and how I've changed. I like a lot of things about this semester. I'm not crying now, but I will in a few days. Give it time. I hope I can adjust (I'm so not ready for American prices. yikes!) and the things about Egypt I will miss are endless. You must come back with me someday. Until then, I guess it's farewell Egypt and a happy and safe flight(s) to Denver, inshallah.

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