Friday, January 29, 2010

Bedouin Night

I had no idea what a Bedouin Night was. Actually, I still don't. I think it's just a tourist thing and not a real indicator of the culture, but last night was AMAZING!! I don't think I've ever had so much fun.

For starters, there was a big match! Egypt and Algeria have been rival soccer teams for something around 4 years (maybe more) when they once played each other and riots broke out. Well, the teams were playing again and everyone was pumped about it! This was an important game. Very big deal! If they lose, chaos. If they win, chaos. A couple of my friends were trying to decide where they wanted to be for the game. I had already paid and signed up for the Bedouin Night, fine with me. I did NOT want to be caught in a firey mob ready to riot!! I started asking around to see if anyone I knew would be at Bedouin Night. Most students had found out that it was a combination of the horseback riding and the dancing on the Nile cruise. "Oh dangit!" That didn't sound worth it. I had already done those things. I was not interested in getting on a horse again, pretty much ever! I'm still sore from the last time. And the belly dancing and spinny dancing didn't need to be experienced two nights in a row. Oh well, no turning back now...

I saw the group of people gathering. I scanned it. No one I knew. Shucks! So I started reading the bus schedule posted nearby. Then my one friend that I hoped and dreamed was coming tapped me on the shoulder!! Hooray!! This should make things better. She wanted to go out and do something else so she could watch Egyptians who were watching the game. But it wasn't a huge let down for her, neither of us are big soccer fans. Just up for an adventure I suppose! We saw the pyramids in the dark again, from a little closer. The restaurant where we were eating was not far from them! Neat! It was huge. A giant tent set up which kept us very warm. This huge group of international students sat on the floor on these neat pillows and the game was projected on a huge screen! Cool!! Everyone was pumped! It was almost kickoff. This was way better than any Super Bowl, no lie. No nachos, drunken men, or chest pounding stuff (yuck). Everyone was so into it. 2-0 Egypt and the servers start rushing getting all the students some food, which is good because we were starving. It was lovely. Hummus, water, and shisha? Uhhh, yes please! Even though my vegetarian meal took an extra half an hour, I still enjoyed my time there. Egyptians kept cheering, yelling, dancing! And the company wasn't bad either.

Then Egypt won. They scored too many points I guess. WOOOHOOO! Instant dance party!!! For the next... 3 hours?? There was a dancing horse (sad, I know) and small camel rides, a stage for dancing with lights going crazy. And AUC students having a blast dancing to this Arabic club music. I haven't had such a great night in a really long time! I loved laughing at the stupid way people would dance. I hope I'm not that bad of a dancer. Sheesh. And the crazy lights or how we would get dizzy. Everyone was SO happy that Egypt won! It was contagious. We got kicked off the dance floor/stage so that the "oriental show" could start. This had a spinny skirt dance (much like the night before but with lights on the skirt!!) and belly dancers dancing with men who are dancing with sticks. Very neat stuff. I didn't get back to my dorm room until 3am. But that's the general trend around here. I really had a great time, and I'm so glad that I did. I was worried I would hate my life! But that was the safe AND fun way to spend the evening watching the game surrounded by Egyptians.

By the way, this dancer has umbrellas all around him, above one of the skirts that he's holding in the air. Looked a little like a flower. VERY cool. Notice the lights too!

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